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Why You Should Write ND Affirming Goals Jul 24, 2024

What does it mean for our goals to be neurodiversity affirming?

Neurodiveristy affirming goals should NOT aim to make a child appear less Autistic or make the child “fit in” aka look more neurotypical.

Neurodiveristy affirming goals should support the child’s language,...

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The Problem With Social Skills Training Jul 17, 2024

Let’s talk about social skills training.

The problem with traditional social skills training is that it focuses on teaching autistic individuals to mimic neurotypical behaviors and suppress their autistic traits. 

And this comes at a significant cost to the Autistic individual's...

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Why Transitions Are So Hard Jul 10, 2024

Transitions can be a significant challenge for children. And even adults! 

Transitioning from an enjoyable activity to a less desirable one can feel jarring. For me personally, moving from watching Real Housewives to doing laundry is NOT my idea of a good time. 

Our kids experience this...

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When Kids Arenā€™t Picking Up on AAC Jul 03, 2024

When you’ve introduced AAC…but you feel like there’s no progress…what should you do?

Sometimes just getting a device in a child’s hand feels like a major win. But what do you do when you’ve been trying and trying with little success? 

AAC can be so...

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Avoid These Goals for Autistic Kids Jun 26, 2024

We need to talk about goals that suck.

I have seen goals that make me want to bang my head against the wall because they are THAT bad.

And you’re probably sitting there thinking…

Well, why are you complaining, Jessie? 

Why don’t you teach us about goals that are...

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