Madison Gwizdalski, SLP
Pasadena, California
"I could not recommend this training enough to my colleagues. Everything that was included in this course is so applicable, and honestly, I'm sad I didn't know about all of this sooner. It would have been so helpful! I am so excited about using this information as I move forward."

Avani Shah, SLP
Morisville, North Carolina
"The course made me feel more confident about explaining to parents what their child's sensory needs and preferences are. It also helped me include parents in coming up with action plans to improve their child's sensory regulation, flexibility, and problem solving skills."

Jennifer Corie, SLP
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
"I am now more confident in what to do and why I am doing it, I am better able to explain my goals and how to achieve them to parents, I am less scattered and more focused with the structure this course provided, and I am seeing faster and better progress in my patients!"