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Navigating Autism & ADHD Assessments Jun 19, 2024

50-70% of Autistic people also have ADHD (National Institutes of Health). 

This means that we need to work harder to better understand Autism, ADHD, and AuDHD so that we can improve the ways we support our kids!

As SLPs, it’s important for us to understand these characteristics so that...

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Best Ways To Support Nonspeaking Autistic Children Jun 12, 2024

The inspiration for this conversation was from recent intake calls at my speech clinic. In a short span, I encountered two families with remarkably similar stories.

One particular call was from a father concerned about his four-year-old, nonspeaking, autistic child who needed additional speech...

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Embracing Neurodiversity: A Conversation with Alex Plank on the Film "Ezra" Jun 05, 2024

A few weeks ago my partner Chris and I were invited to attend the premiere of the movie Ezra

And I’m still pinching myself. 

Ezra is the story about a stand-up comedian named Max who is struggling to co-parent his Autistic son Ezra with his ex-wife, Jenna. When faced with...

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I Got Slapped Today... May 08, 2024

I got slapped today. 

I almost didn’t want to share this because part of me assumed I would be judged, like…

Why are you letting your 5 year old client slap you??

How could you think that’s ok??

And honestly, I was shocked by my reaction. Because I didn’t have one. I...

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How To Help Autistic Kids Communicate Apr 24, 2024

I sat in the beige armchair of my dingy apartment I had recently moved into post-divorce. 

I had just put my two boys to bed and was scrolling through social media.

The pandemic had just hit, and SLPs from all over the world were going into fight or flight.

My feed was littered with frantic...

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